
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Poor Little Monkey!

You've had a UTI since last Fri (we didn't figure out why you were peeing on the carpet until Sat night of course).  We took you to Urgent Care & got meds first thing Sunday morning but they warned it might be an antibiotic resistant strain.

Sure enough, tonight you have a fever.  You are such a sweet little girl.  Even when you don't feel good you still try to be a good girl & take your medicine.  I feel bad because I snapped at you & hurt your feelings.  You hung your head & I immediately apologized & kissed your forehead, telling you you're such a good girl.  When I kissed you I knew.  Mommas always know a fever on their lips!

You are so forgiving.  I feel just horrible for snapping at you, even more so since you really don't feel good.  Of course we're letting you sleep on the couch tonight (your favorite spot) and watch movies until you fall asleep.  I'll take you in first thing tomorrow.

Earlier today you told me you didn't feel good & "go to doctor."  A few minutes later you showed me a skin indentation from your seat belt (the harmless kind) & told me you needed a doctor for that, too, so I wasn't really sure if I should trust your medical judgment.  Don't worry baby.  You'll see the doctor tomorrow & he'll fix you up!

We love you!

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