This weekend we hit the ground running with our language boot camp of sorts. We try & seize every teachable moment to work on language. That meant practicing the words hands & water while you took a bath, practicing naming body parts while we tickle you ("I'm going to tickle your....leg! arm!," etc.), later using a sticker ("I'm going to put this sticker on your belly! hand! nose!"), etc.
When we went to the Children's Museum on Saturday we'd normally let you play however you wanted. This time, we were right there beside you, holding toys next to our mouths as we said them so you would look at how we said words. We used sign language liberally, even though I think your daddy might have been a little comfortable in public at first. You explored the new areas they recently changed but when you found the train set, you had to play with it before we left.
All morning, all day we worked on language. You didn't say any actual words, just babbled and we felt discouraged.....until about 4:00. You pointed and said "belly" the best you could. You named a body part other than eye or nose! Victory is ours!
Today you've been busy talking. We went out to lunch at this great pub downtown. The name Karma should have warned us that trouble may be afoot but we like to try new foods. As soon as we sat down, you got out of the booth & grabbed my hand. We knew from experience that this was your way of telling us it was potty time. Then you were amazing--you said "Go!" We hugged you with joy at this new word & the fact that you were actually signaling us in a verbal way for something. You said "Go! Go!" again only more urgently and we were like "oh yeah!" and I rushed you down the stairs to the restroom. You went and then we did your favorite activity--washing your hands. Going back up the stairs to the main restaurant I could tell you thought you were such a big girl, you laughed with each climb of their really big steps.
When we sat back down to order you looked at me and said "Go!" again. We praised you for speaking but ignored your request. Honestly, I just thought you wanted to go play in the water. We ordered our burgers & when they came we thought they were the best burgers ever. Meanwhile, you didn't eat but played under our table instead. As we paid the check, you finally came out from under the table and then we smelled you. You weren't that close but we knew there was trouble. I ran you down to the bathroom and when we were close you did this waddle that looked like you just spent 9 days riding a horse. It was the "get this sticky poo off me" shuffle. You're potty trained so you had panties on and we didn't bring spare anything. After 20 min of getting tar like poo off your rear & legs, we finally started climbing the steps back upstairs. You were feeling much better evidently, in great spirits & shrieking with joy as you jumped up on each step. When we were close enough, I ran ahead to our booth, grabbed your daddy's coat & wrapped you in it to hide the fact that you were now pants-less. Your pants were in my hand but I don't think those panties could be saved--we left them in the trash there so now I'm not sure if we can ever go back. We've learned though. When Grace talks, we need to listen!
At the grocery store tonight, you were a total rock star! You saw popcorn in a bag, pointed and said "popcorn", corn in the freezer & said "corn," & saw pizza and said "za!". Cutest of all, you sat nicely in the cart & as I handed things to you, you tossed them behind you into the basket section of the cart, then we'd high five. Gosh, I love you so much. You're just too cute. So cute I had to buy these Oreo cookies to share with you. During pregnancy I ate so much of only two foods that we know you're half Oreo cookie & half KFC. Sorry for the poor nutrition baby, but mommy was really sick for the first 7 months so she ate what stayed down.
Want to know the best best best thing you did today???? In the car on the way to the grocery, you focused so hard and said "mmmmmmommma" "mommmmmmma" "moooooommmmma." You didn't mean it yet but you were practicing & when I praised you and said "That's it baby! That's my name! I'm momma!" You smiled at me with this huge grin that clearly said "Don't you worry momma....I'm gonna get this."
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