Oh you are so much fun. The past months have been busy having fun with you and dreading preschool (I'm the only one dreading it--you are totally excited).
As for your name, you are sometimes Grace, sometimes Gracie, and sometimes Sue when playing Littlest Pet Shop. Your current favorite shows are Horseland, Littlest Pet Shop, Smurfs, and Transformers Rescue Bots. You also love anything Angry Birds.
You've realized that happy meals at McDonalds contain toys every time. I think you used to be just pleasantly surprised but you're on to it all now. They just had a smurf campaign and we went 5x in two or three weeks, partially because we had been on a trip during that time and McDonalds was easy to agree with you on meal choices. You were missing Smurfette and I even took you in to ask if they had her but they were all out here. I quick post on Facebook and you now have 2 Smurfettes with 2 more and another smurf on the way.
You love to sing. You'll sing "lalala...smurf all day long" and it cracks us up. From Little Mermaid you also sing "lalalala....kiss the girl." Speaking of kissing, your princess and prince barbies kiss all the time. It's quite the big deal as you always giggle after having them kiss. Remember that tricky to say word, caterpillar? You know call it a "tickle patter." I'll be so sad when you finally get that word right because you are too cute when you get it wrong!
At bedtime, you love two different storybooks and nearly always choose one of them for us to read. There's one about Cinderella's birthday and the book Popcorn by Frank Asch. Popcorn was one of my favorites as a kid and I love that you've fallen for the book, too. After the book reading, you always want me to sing You Are My Sunshine. Sometimes you sing along, sometimes you want to hold my hand while I sing to you, and sometimes you fall asleep right as I sing it.
You are very obsessed with camping. Your daddy and I even spent quite a few hours one weekend designing a teepee for you. You love it and I have had to design a campfire to go with it. You'll yell out "I LOVE camping!" often. Very often. You want a sleeping bag and we're planning on saving that treat for your birthday or Christmas. When camping sometimes you ask me for a cracker, chocolate and marshmallow so you can make a smore. Camping is all about sleeping and waking up. I have to be an owl when you first lay down and you'll sit up and say "What was that? Oh, an owl." and pretend to go to sleep. Then I have to be a rooster and you engage in a very elaborate and dramatic stretching routine to "wake up."
You like to rescue people and things. You'll say "Oh no mommy! Daddy in trouble!" or hang a doll off the edge of the couch or table and have her screaming for help. It's quite the dramatic play!
The other day you were very angry that I made you take a bath. As soon as you were done, you grabbed a toy cell phone and informed me that you were telling daddy. When the phone didn't actually work you started crying again, saying "Oh no! It's broken!" Telling on me is becoming quite the thing with you. When I wouldn't go in the pool at 7:30 a.m. because it was cold, you had me call grandma. The first thing you said was "Grandma! Mommy no pool! Mommy no pool!"
You've had your first bee sting this summer. I was relieved to see you are not allergic to bees. The yellow jackets have been horrible and aggressive this year. Your dog had been stung earlier in the week. When you were stung, your daddy came home right over his lunch hour, stopping at Lowes to buy 2 cans of bee killer on his way. He took care of them! Nobody hurts his baby!
I broke my ankle in May. You had left a mini etch-a-sketch on the stairway and when I ran downstairs for something, I stepped, it slipped and snap. I was laying at the bottom of the stairs screaming and crying in pain. It was horrible because I couldn't even get up and I knew we had to get me to the dr. You were so sweet and so worried for me. The pain would get a little better and then worse because the endorphins my body produced for pain relief would get used up and it would take a little time to make more, etc. I started saying "I need more endorphins" as a bit of a joke with your dad. You ran to get your pillow pet dolphin and handed it to me saying "Here mommy. More dolphins for you." You sweet, sweet girl! You also kept patting my head and kissing my forehead, trying to help me. It was so sweet.
While on crutches the next 6 weeks, I accidentally spilled your glass of water on the floor. Sweet thing that you are, you grabbed a towel to clean it up but not before sighing and yelling "Mommy Olson!" the way I yell "Grace Lee Olson" when you are in trouble.
Oh, you like cheerleaders a bit but we're not big into sports here so it makes things funny. You'll grab your pom poms and yell "Go Ariel!" "Go Cinderella!" "Go.....Easter Bunny!"
You call slushies "Freezy Freeze!" As in, "Freezy Freeze Mommy! PLEASE FREEZY FREEZE!" Your daddy accidentally called it that yesterday. The poor woman we were ordering from had no idea what he was talking about.
You had your first water balloon fight this summer (with us). I didn't get the best balloons for it evidently because they only popped after they hit the ground. So we'd hit each other with the balloons and it would just kind of hurt, then fall to the ground and get your feet wet. You hit your dad twice in his private area and I have to admit. It was funny. You weren't trying to hit him, it was just how your height and throwing worked out. You have a very strong throwing arm so he found it a bit painful.....and then the balloons fell on the ground and made his feet wet. It was a bit of a pathetic water balloon fight but you didn't mind. You thought it was hilarious.
You still love art. You get your water paints out by yourself but can make a bit of a mess. Your dad saw all your new paintings scattered on the floor and teased you "Boy Grace, this looks like quite a mess!" You answered, "No daddy. No mess. I arting!" You know, when you run you are running and when you make art you are arting. Super cute.
You used to be so shy about a camera but now you are all about it! You like to look at pictures right after I take them and have me take pictures of certain dolls or toys. The other day you let me get video of your dancing. I asked you if you were a good dancer and you said "No, Imma MOVIE STAR!"
We had your preschool orientation and play date this week. When we showed up, they had tables outside by the playground so you could paint rocks. You thought it was awesome. You just ran up and started painting (arting), spending more time on your creation than the other kids and then ran out to play on the playground.
We aren't sure if you'll attend this preschool but we do really like it. We find out in one week (four days before preschool starts) if we are moving to South Carolina. We flew out about a month ago to check it out. Grandma and Papa drove down to see you and you guys had an absolute blast. You loved room service at the hotel. You'd get up to find a big tray with food with covered lids. We'd remove the lid and you'd gasp at the beautiful blueberry pancakes or French toast that awaited you. On Sunday, we all went housing searching together. Your daddy and I had gone by ourselves on Saturday. You were not interested until the very last house, which was our favorite from the day before. If we move, that will be the house for us. You loved it. You ran around just soaking it in and loving it. We'll see what happens with that!'
When we flew to Charlotte, you were awesome on the planes. You really "got it" this trip. You loved being up in the clouds and loved snack time, when the flight attendants let you pick your drink and cookie or peanuts. Last week you started imagining our bed was a plane and had me get you peanuts for your flight. I did but then they all spilled in our bedding and it made me second guess that decision!
You get in trouble often but "real" trouble only happens about once a week, ending with you getting sent to your room. Last night you got in trouble for taking the pins out of the roof lining of my car, making the roof sag inside. I told you that you were going to your room as soon as we got home (3 block drive) and you were upset. When I pulled in the driveway, you said "No, no home!" as if we could avoid the whole thing if I didn't take you home. You are such a sweet girl though. A little later you asked your daddy to fix it and thankfully he was able to. A few hours later you told me again, "Mommy, sorry I broke car. So sorry I broke car." You sweet, sweet girl. You don't get in big trouble often but when you do, it sticks with you and you'll often apologize even days later for the mistake. We just assure you that everyone makes mistakes and it'll be ok.
Gracie, I am loving this time with you. I'm not ready for you to go to preschool but that's just because we've had such special time at home together that letting go, even a little bit--makes me a little sad. It makes me think of how soon you'll be off to school full time and living your own life. I pray that we'll be able to give you freedom and yet boundaries and that you'll always know just how important and special you are to us. I always want you to know just how loved you are. You are awesome just being you.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
My Little Mermaid
Oh Gracie,
Today I was going to sew something for myself for the first time. A shirt. As I grabbed the tape measure & measured myself, you grabbed it, told me "Measure mommy? Measure? Mermaid PLEASE Mommy! PLEASE!"
I tried to ignore your pleas but you were insisted. You begged me to make you a mermaid costume. I went down to the studio and grabbed some fish scale fabric I had & first made you a long skirt. You were all over me the whole time. Not exactly impatient. I'd say you were overseeing the process closely. You immediately grabbed your chest and said "SHELLS?" as if to say "Uh....mommy....aren't you forgetting something?" With the help of your father (who found the whole project humorous), I was able to sew some shells and then sew them onto an elastic band top for you. You were thrilled!
I had you come outside quickly for an impromptu photo shoot and suddenly you decided to work it for the camera.
Today I was going to sew something for myself for the first time. A shirt. As I grabbed the tape measure & measured myself, you grabbed it, told me "Measure mommy? Measure? Mermaid PLEASE Mommy! PLEASE!"
I tried to ignore your pleas but you were insisted. You begged me to make you a mermaid costume. I went down to the studio and grabbed some fish scale fabric I had & first made you a long skirt. You were all over me the whole time. Not exactly impatient. I'd say you were overseeing the process closely. You immediately grabbed your chest and said "SHELLS?" as if to say "Uh....mommy....aren't you forgetting something?" With the help of your father (who found the whole project humorous), I was able to sew some shells and then sew them onto an elastic band top for you. You were thrilled!
I had you come outside quickly for an impromptu photo shoot and suddenly you decided to work it for the camera.
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What a cutie! |
Gotta stop talking for a second Gracie! |
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Quite a pose! |
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You are vogue-ing now girl! |
No idea why you thought I should take this shot--but it was funny! |
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Loving the Memories
My dearest Gracie,
I am back, as promised. I see I haven't written since July so let's go back to then and catch up, shall we?
In July, we had the Olympics and you became inspired. Since you love to act things out, I ended up having to teach you to pretend vault our ottoman. It was getting too dangerous to watch you wing it. Over and over, you'd run up to the ottoman, do a pretend vault put your arms up, then bow yelling "Bravo! Bravo!"
You got to go to the fire station open house and fell in love. I won't be surprised if you marry a fireman someday just for the chance to drive the truck. You sat in the truck for 30 min! Just loved sitting and looking out the different windows, etc. You cried so hard when we finally left! We felt terrible but also realized we couldn't live at the fire station.
We drove to Montana to meet up with your Nana and Papa and see your Montana family. It was a really fun trip! You had a blast with your second cousins Quade and Savannah. We saw your great grandma for the last time, not realizing she would pass soon after our visit. She gave you a little bear you were playing with in her room. She was such a sweet, caring woman. Silliness reached an all time high this month as you can see:
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit! We had fun with them, even going to a rodeo for the first time! You were so excited to see them. The funniest part of their visit was when we drove over to Coeur d'Alene thinking we could drive around the lake after a picnic. We didn't realize a drive around the lake would take several hours and involve very winding roads. Grandma and I started feeling sick then Riley, who had been sitting on Grandpa's lap started vomitting all over poor Grandpa, who doesn't like dogs to begin with. We pulled over and he let Riley out unleashed, who was scared and started running into the busy road. You suddenly decided you HAD to go potty so we had to quickly grab the potty chair we just happened to bring in the trunk. It was funny and terrible, all at the same time!
You started ballet this month. When you saw your leotard you declared it "beautiful" and then immediately said "I love you mom." Awww! You loved to dance, loved the leotard and shoes, and loved the idea of dance class. The reality? You didn't like standing in line waiting your turn to do something across the floor and didn't like that there were routines or moves to learn. You really thought you should just do any dance moves you wanted and we should all watch and then clap yelling "BRAVO!" The free dance time was your favorite.
We started making big Sunday dinners. You love to help with the fried chicken, saying "shake, shake, shake" and doing a little dance. It took 4 meals before you'd even TRY one bite of chicken.
This was the first month your new talking skills embarrassed me. You would see an old woman and yell "Oh no mommy! A witch!" and take off running, pulling me with you. At first I thought it was Halloween decorations but then I realized it was just women with gray hair!
Your daddy got put in charge of mechanical engineering for Spokane & Boise so he started flying to Boise every other week or so. Sometimes we would go surprise him at the airport. You made him a sign and then in true little kid fashion held it upside down for him. Too cute!
We took you to an orchard festival and you had a blast! Of course the pumpkin donuts were our favorite thing about it all. You LOVE donuts.
While watching me wrap a present for your cousin Jacob, you announced "I need a birthday!" Of course you do! So cute!
Here's a quick facebook status I wanted to share with you: Just overheard Grace counting to 13 then she stopped and said to herself "I'm good!" Gotta love her self-confidence. :)
We celebrated Thanksgiving at Seth's house. You were more excited about the felt food turkey I made you with velcro wings and legs.
After Thanksgiving we went to get our tree and you loved every minute of it. This was the best year ever with regard to Christmas and Christmas traditions. You jumped out of the truck, pointed at the first tree you saw and yelled "That one daddy! THAT one!" You continued to do that to every tree we passed! When it was time to cut the tree down, you grabbed a stick and dug in the dirt for awhile but insisted on helping drag the tree to the truck once it was cut. Your excitement at the tree coming into the house was awesome. You loved decorating it, carefully placing each ornament. You had a real vision I guess!
The best thing about November was we got to take you to Disney's Princesses on Ice. Beyond magical! Once we got there, we realized you didn't have panties on under your dress. That was a funny yet embarrassing discovery. It didn't matter though because you saw your favorite princess: Cinderella. Or Prinella as you like to call her.
A carriage made from legos? Yes please! You didn't want to leave the display. We had seats that were second row center. Somehow we'd been upgraded and you found the whole show breathtaking. Even better? The snow cone in a keepsake cup with straw! $12! Sorry but we only let you get one. One snow cone and a $20 program guide. You still use the cup and straw today so I guess it was money well spent! After the show you spent the next month Oo-ing and Ah-ing over the program guide, reliving it all. We felt like the bestest parents ever. I'd been worried about the expense but your daddy said "Hey, there's gotta be some benefits to being an only child." That daddy! He loves you so much he can't help but spoil you a little!
You and I spent 2 1/2 weeks in Ohio. Daddy was there for about 10 days of it. When you saw Grandma you LEAPED into her arms. You were so funny on the planes. You kept repeating "Grandma, grandpa, cookies" as if it were your mantra. Grandma had told you she was making cookies so many times you were ready. Poor Grandma disappointed you a bit when she didn't have them with her right then but you were still happy to see her. On our first flight, five minutes in you yelled out "WOOHOO! I'm flying!" Near the end of that flight though, we hit some pretty heavy turbulence and you made people nervous when you looked out the window (covered in clouds) and yelled "Look out birds! Oh no! Look out for that tree!" Several people thought we were crashing I think but we were still very high in the air.
One of the best things about the trip was finally throwing you the surprise party you'd been wanting for about 5 months. You'd kept saying "Mommy: surprise party. For my birf-day." Super cute. By the way--you say caterpiller, coco-patter. Cutest thing ever. Never stop saying it that way. It always makes me smile.
For your surprise party, daddy & grandpa took you to the McDonalds playland so Grandma and I could get ready. Unfortunately, you got hurt on the slide just before coming home. You walked in the door planning to come to me for sympathy and were shocked when poppers started going off and we yelled "SURPRISE!" You adjusted quickly but cried a few times during the party due to not feeling well. Some Motrin helped a lot.
You had fun with your second cousins on grandma's side of the family but may have had a crush on your second cousin on grandpa's side of the family. Poor Chase was a freshman in high school and spent the whole night with you holding his hand and making him run around hiding from monsters, etc. He was such a good sport about it all.
We spent nearly the whole month sick. Flu season was especially bad this year and we had several colds. It was miserable. When you were feeling better, you did manage to take my sewing scissors to one of your new dresses and cut it to pieces. You brought it to me and said "fix it." You were so disappointed when I said I couldn't. It was bound to happen with as much fabric cutting and sewing as you have seen me do.
This month you and I got the stomach flu. You had it so much worse than I did. I felt so badly for you! When you started to feel a little better, you would chug water and then vomit again. I kept trying to get you to sip but finally gave up when I realized we were in a literal tug of war over a glass of water, it was spilling everywhere, and you honestly couldn't understand why I was denying you water. On the plus side, your daddy bought 3 boxes of popsicles for you (my idea because you could "drink" slowly with them) and told you that since you were sick you could have as many as you wanted. You immediately tried one of each color!
We were well enough in time for Valentine's day. You loved our pink heart shaped pancakes and pink milk! Daddy gave you a little box of chocolates and you wasted no time shoving those in your mouth. Thankfully there were only 3 in the box!
This month you have been the most mini-me/copycat of all. I love that you saw daddy reading his tablet in his outdoor chair on the deck (he'd been watching you play outside) and you ran in to get your innotab and sat like he did. How cute!
You're also finally liking the camera! You'll look and smile. I've been waiting for that little girl! How cute are you??
Your dollies have become an extension of your family. I love how you had them all sit on the couch with you for movie time!
I am back, as promised. I see I haven't written since July so let's go back to then and catch up, shall we?
In July, we had the Olympics and you became inspired. Since you love to act things out, I ended up having to teach you to pretend vault our ottoman. It was getting too dangerous to watch you wing it. Over and over, you'd run up to the ottoman, do a pretend vault put your arms up, then bow yelling "Bravo! Bravo!"
You got to go to the fire station open house and fell in love. I won't be surprised if you marry a fireman someday just for the chance to drive the truck. You sat in the truck for 30 min! Just loved sitting and looking out the different windows, etc. You cried so hard when we finally left! We felt terrible but also realized we couldn't live at the fire station.
We drove to Montana to meet up with your Nana and Papa and see your Montana family. It was a really fun trip! You had a blast with your second cousins Quade and Savannah. We saw your great grandma for the last time, not realizing she would pass soon after our visit. She gave you a little bear you were playing with in her room. She was such a sweet, caring woman. Silliness reached an all time high this month as you can see:
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit! We had fun with them, even going to a rodeo for the first time! You were so excited to see them. The funniest part of their visit was when we drove over to Coeur d'Alene thinking we could drive around the lake after a picnic. We didn't realize a drive around the lake would take several hours and involve very winding roads. Grandma and I started feeling sick then Riley, who had been sitting on Grandpa's lap started vomitting all over poor Grandpa, who doesn't like dogs to begin with. We pulled over and he let Riley out unleashed, who was scared and started running into the busy road. You suddenly decided you HAD to go potty so we had to quickly grab the potty chair we just happened to bring in the trunk. It was funny and terrible, all at the same time!
You started ballet this month. When you saw your leotard you declared it "beautiful" and then immediately said "I love you mom." Awww! You loved to dance, loved the leotard and shoes, and loved the idea of dance class. The reality? You didn't like standing in line waiting your turn to do something across the floor and didn't like that there were routines or moves to learn. You really thought you should just do any dance moves you wanted and we should all watch and then clap yelling "BRAVO!" The free dance time was your favorite.
We started making big Sunday dinners. You love to help with the fried chicken, saying "shake, shake, shake" and doing a little dance. It took 4 meals before you'd even TRY one bite of chicken.
This was the first month your new talking skills embarrassed me. You would see an old woman and yell "Oh no mommy! A witch!" and take off running, pulling me with you. At first I thought it was Halloween decorations but then I realized it was just women with gray hair!
Your daddy got put in charge of mechanical engineering for Spokane & Boise so he started flying to Boise every other week or so. Sometimes we would go surprise him at the airport. You made him a sign and then in true little kid fashion held it upside down for him. Too cute!
We took you to an orchard festival and you had a blast! Of course the pumpkin donuts were our favorite thing about it all. You LOVE donuts.
While watching me wrap a present for your cousin Jacob, you announced "I need a birthday!" Of course you do! So cute!
Here's a quick facebook status I wanted to share with you: Just overheard Grace counting to 13 then she stopped and said to herself "I'm good!" Gotta love her self-confidence. :)
We celebrated Thanksgiving at Seth's house. You were more excited about the felt food turkey I made you with velcro wings and legs.
After Thanksgiving we went to get our tree and you loved every minute of it. This was the best year ever with regard to Christmas and Christmas traditions. You jumped out of the truck, pointed at the first tree you saw and yelled "That one daddy! THAT one!" You continued to do that to every tree we passed! When it was time to cut the tree down, you grabbed a stick and dug in the dirt for awhile but insisted on helping drag the tree to the truck once it was cut. Your excitement at the tree coming into the house was awesome. You loved decorating it, carefully placing each ornament. You had a real vision I guess!
The best thing about November was we got to take you to Disney's Princesses on Ice. Beyond magical! Once we got there, we realized you didn't have panties on under your dress. That was a funny yet embarrassing discovery. It didn't matter though because you saw your favorite princess: Cinderella. Or Prinella as you like to call her.
A carriage made from legos? Yes please! You didn't want to leave the display. We had seats that were second row center. Somehow we'd been upgraded and you found the whole show breathtaking. Even better? The snow cone in a keepsake cup with straw! $12! Sorry but we only let you get one. One snow cone and a $20 program guide. You still use the cup and straw today so I guess it was money well spent! After the show you spent the next month Oo-ing and Ah-ing over the program guide, reliving it all. We felt like the bestest parents ever. I'd been worried about the expense but your daddy said "Hey, there's gotta be some benefits to being an only child." That daddy! He loves you so much he can't help but spoil you a little!
You and I spent 2 1/2 weeks in Ohio. Daddy was there for about 10 days of it. When you saw Grandma you LEAPED into her arms. You were so funny on the planes. You kept repeating "Grandma, grandpa, cookies" as if it were your mantra. Grandma had told you she was making cookies so many times you were ready. Poor Grandma disappointed you a bit when she didn't have them with her right then but you were still happy to see her. On our first flight, five minutes in you yelled out "WOOHOO! I'm flying!" Near the end of that flight though, we hit some pretty heavy turbulence and you made people nervous when you looked out the window (covered in clouds) and yelled "Look out birds! Oh no! Look out for that tree!" Several people thought we were crashing I think but we were still very high in the air.
One of the best things about the trip was finally throwing you the surprise party you'd been wanting for about 5 months. You'd kept saying "Mommy: surprise party. For my birf-day." Super cute. By the way--you say caterpiller, coco-patter. Cutest thing ever. Never stop saying it that way. It always makes me smile.
For your surprise party, daddy & grandpa took you to the McDonalds playland so Grandma and I could get ready. Unfortunately, you got hurt on the slide just before coming home. You walked in the door planning to come to me for sympathy and were shocked when poppers started going off and we yelled "SURPRISE!" You adjusted quickly but cried a few times during the party due to not feeling well. Some Motrin helped a lot.
You had fun with your second cousins on grandma's side of the family but may have had a crush on your second cousin on grandpa's side of the family. Poor Chase was a freshman in high school and spent the whole night with you holding his hand and making him run around hiding from monsters, etc. He was such a good sport about it all.
We spent nearly the whole month sick. Flu season was especially bad this year and we had several colds. It was miserable. When you were feeling better, you did manage to take my sewing scissors to one of your new dresses and cut it to pieces. You brought it to me and said "fix it." You were so disappointed when I said I couldn't. It was bound to happen with as much fabric cutting and sewing as you have seen me do.
We were well enough in time for Valentine's day. You loved our pink heart shaped pancakes and pink milk! Daddy gave you a little box of chocolates and you wasted no time shoving those in your mouth. Thankfully there were only 3 in the box!
This month you have been the most mini-me/copycat of all. I love that you saw daddy reading his tablet in his outdoor chair on the deck (he'd been watching you play outside) and you ran in to get your innotab and sat like he did. How cute!
You're also finally liking the camera! You'll look and smile. I've been waiting for that little girl! How cute are you??
Your dollies have become an extension of your family. I love how you had them all sit on the couch with you for movie time!
You are suddenly (and finally) trying new foods and ones you used to like. You tried a california roll this past week, popcorn shrimp last week, etc. I'm so glad to see you eating more variety!
Please stop growing up. I love you too much to lose you. Ok, that's obviously a mother's guilt trip and too much to ask. Can I just ask instead that you grow up to be a sweet person, capable of standing up for yourself and for what is right, and to be a good mommy yourself and enjoy your life? I want nothing more than for you to be happy and a good person Gracie. You already have the best personality and are a ray of sunshine. I know the rest will come with time.
I love you baby!
Where Has The Time Gone?
Gracie, you'll need to forgive me for not posting much this past year or two. We have been having so much fun and you do keep me so very, very busy!
This week we've been stressing over preschool options for you this fall. Did I really just type preschool? Oh my goodness! You'll start kindergarten in just over a year and be gone forever! Of course, your daddy laughs at me when I say that but the thought of you starting school makes me cry in ways I never expected. It has been an absolute joy to stay home with you the past four years and get you all to myself. Sure I shared you with the world in small, one hour at a time ways but we have been full time buddies for four long years that suddenly seem like the shortest four years of my life. I selfishly want to keep this time with you going forever, keeping you at home with me until you are at least 30 but don't worry, I love you too much to be able to do anything that I don't think is best for you.
I am going to miss you. You starting schooling of any kind marks the beginning of me letting go. Sure, it'll start off a few hours a day but I'm no fool. I've seen firsthand how quickly four years of loving you goes by. Before I blink, four more will pass and you'll be eight, in school full time and headed off to slumber parties to be away from us overnight. Four more after that and you'll be 12, starting to think of dating and terrifying your poor father. Another four and you'll be 16 and dying to get away from us--from me. The thought of you ever not wanting to be right by my side breaks my heart and yet I know that's how it works.
I see it all coming. It's the way of children to grow up. My mind knows it and yet my heart breaks at the truth. Your poor mommy. I'm crying about you going to preschool and it doesn't happen for months yet! I really should be more thankful for this extra year with you. Last fall you were clearly not ready for preschool. While everyone else seemed to be starting at three, we knew you and knew it wasn't your time. Maybe that's the hard thing now....I see you changing so much. I know without a doubt you'll be ready this fall.
I don't want to forget a moment of the fun we've had together but I know you and I both will. Let me tell you about them now so we won't forget some of the great things about this time!
Your biggest area of growth this year was your language skills without a doubt. The past 3 months have been the most amazing. You are exploding every day with new language. I think back to that original post I made where I was crying, worried for your lack of progress and I am so grateful for the child who is now talking enough to drive me crazy and even starting to talk back a bit! Forgive us but when you talk back to us, your daddy and I will sneak a smile at each other because you finally can.
I've always started my mornings with you by saying "Good morning sunshine!" and get the biggest grin now when I hear you get up, your dog goes running in to greet you and you say to Riley, "Good morning sun-shine!" While we're on the topic of sleep, let me tell you--girl, you have changed! For three very long years I have endured your erratic sleep schedule. We tried everything to get you on track. The first two years you would go to bed at 1 a.m., sleep until 10, then the next night go to bed at 10 and sleep until 9, etc. I never knew when I would get sleep and we couldn't get you on a schedule to save our lives! You turned four and suddenly you go to bed between 7 and 8:30. You wake up between 6 and 7:07. Yes, you get up by 7:07 every day of the week now! It's such a change I think my body is still in shock.
Yesterday morning you came in to wake me. You shook me saying "Wake up mama!" I told you with a smile, "No....mommy tired. Let me sleep just a little bit longer." You reasoned "WAKE UP!! Sun up mommy." Yes, you refused to go to bed with the time change a week or two ago because the sun was still up just a little bit and now your argument on why I should get up is the sun is up. Suddenly the sun rules your world and you see it very black and white.
You have learned that words have power and intend to use that power whenever you can. Your favorite place to eat is pancakes at the train car diner here. The employees know that you chose to go there for your special birthday meal, often blow the whistle for you, and think you are the cutest thing ever! You tell me "I HUNgry. Go train. Pancakes. Mommy, tummy pancakes." If we haven't been there in the last week, I usually say yes. You are thrilled. When we took you there for your birthday, they sang happy birthday to you and your face was so full of joy we've decided to take you out for your birthday every year. You loved everyone in the whole place singing to you. Your other favorite place is ChuckECheese and we go about twice a month with Seth and his mommy. You seem to wish it was your second home!
Last night I was making a Greek chicken recipe and you looked into my pan and said "C'mon mommy. Let's go! Go car. Where McDonalds? McDonalds missing!" Evidently you thought chicken nuggets sounded better.
When you talk back you are too cute for words. I'll send you to your room and you'll say "No mommy. I SAID NO!" If I make you really angry because I make you go to your room after all, you'll say "Get out of here mommy. Mommy go to your room!" Um....okay but that's not really a punishment to mommy I think and smile to myself. When you are that upset and in trouble, you start talking to your dog saying over and over "I know Riley! I know!" as if she is the only one in the world who understands your pain. Aww..sweet girl. Mama knows your pain and how upset you are. You still cannot choose to throw spaghetti all over the kitchen.
Like any kid who has been really speech delayed, you have a mild problem with hitting instead of using your words. You get frustrated if another kid doesn't listen to you and then you hit them. It only happens every few months and last week was one of those times. You go to the daycare at the gym for an hour a day and were very tired that day. When I took you home, you were crying because I told you it was wrong and you started saying over and over again "I so sad mommy. I so sad!" I said "Well, good you are sad because you are probably sorry, too." You immediately adjusted to say "I so sorry mommy!" There's never much need to punish you because in general you feel so badly when you do wrong--how could I punish you worse than you punish yourself?
You pick up new language fast now, including things I don't want repeated. About two weeks ago, I got so frustrated with Riley. She seemed to be barking out the window all day nonstop. I finally yelled in exasperation "RILEY SHUT UP!" You copied without hesitation. Now whenever you are frustrated with your dog I hear your little voice yell "RILEYSHUTUP!" as if it was one long powerful word. Oh my. I keep prompting you to say "Riley please be quiet" but so far you aren't adopting the new phrase as quickly as you did the first. Your absolute cutest phrase, without a doubt is "OH MY GOODNESS MOMMY!" or "OH MY GOODNESS DADDY!" or "OH MY GOODNESS RILEY!" If something is very funny to you, you'll say each one in succession until we say back "Oh my goodness, Gracie!"
You've become a mini me. You woke up late last week and came out to find me working on a pattern design. You grabbed paper and crayons and scissors and got to work, holding your designs up to fabric, etc. So cute! It's not just me you copy. Your daddy is studying for his big engineering license test and you'll say "I need book. Be right back." You run to the office and grab one of your books, come back and get paper and pen and start looking at your book, then writing on paper as if the Berenstain Bears have all the equations you need. Love it!
Oh! You aren't intollerant of blueberries or strawberries anymore! Hooray! As you say "Mmmm...blueberries delicious!" It's opened up a whole new world of fruit salad, blueberry muffins (you devour them 3 at a time), blueberry pancakes, etc. You decided you loved pineapple as well. We had you tested at 3 and found you weren't allergic but intollerant of carrots, grapes/raisins, all berries, and bananas. It has made feeding you a variety of foods a challenge. It didn't help that for nearly the past year you've been such a picky eater. You liked chicken nuggets, spaghetti, pancakes, apples, cream of mushroom soup, miso soup, peanut butter & jelly and cereal. That was about it. We ended up starting you on pediasure every day to help supplement your poor diet. I couldn't believe with all the amazing meals I love to cook, my child was anti-variety when it came to food. Thankfully you are starting to branch out finally! Hooray for progress!
You have always helped in the kitchen but lately you are becoming quite the sous chef. You have learned to smell herbs before using them and are trying hard to learn their names. You've fallen in love with Ratatouille the movie and a Strawberry Shortcake dvd where she and her friends host a cooking show. Now when you see me cooking, you'll grab your cook book and advise me. It's always "1 sugar, 1 flour, 1 anilla (vanilla), and 1 egg. Now stir mommy." You'll set up your play mixer and food on chairs in the dining room and host a cooking show, which I am forever thankful to have caught a bit of on camera. You aren't always big on performing. When you see the camera, sometimes you seem to get embarrassed and stop.
Speaking of performing, you are loving to sing. The Madagascar 3 movie has the Katy Perry song Firework. You love it! You also love the song Polkadot circus from there, the theme song to Fraggle Rock and the song Number 9 (also featured on Fraggle Rock). In the car, you'll have me sing along sometimes as you belt a number out, usually the Firework song. Your daddy put the Madagascar 3 soundtrack on your Innotab and some nights instead of going to bed we've found you acting out the whole movie, even the instrumental songs. It is so unbelievably adorable. You hate getting caught so we try and sneak a quick peek when we can. When you sing, I'm only allowed to sing along sometimes. I never know until I try. Sometimes you get even happier and belt it out louder and other times you tell me "No mommy. STOP." Gee...thanks. Here is a picture I caught of you when you were supposed to be in bed. Instead you were singing and wearing this getup:
In general, you are the sweetest little girl. You picked me a bunch of dead flowers outside for Valentine's day. You even dug in my hutch for my nicest vase to put them in. You said "For you, for me. Flowers for you. Happy Valentine Day!"
I need to tell you about the sleep mask. Miss Jenn gave you a sleep mask from their airplane trip to New Zealand this past month and you actually use it! You'll be in bed sometimes and yell out "Oh no! Where mask? Mask missing!" It makes you happy and gets you to lay down and go to sleep so of course I help you find it. You wearing it from time to time is the funniest thing ever though!
By the way, you are in love with princesses and princes. You will stalk me around the house for months now wanting to play either with your little people princes and princesses or your Barbie style ones. I am always the prince. Always. Any attempt to play with a princess and you stare like you can't even compute my choice for a few moments then say "Uh uh, mommy. HERE." and shove the prince in my face relentlessly until I give in. There are always 2 scenarios. 1) The princesses just take turns kissing the prince (your daddy isn't fond of that story line!) and 2) Someone needs rescued because they are about to fall off the couch (a cliff) or because a scary monster (usually a crocodile) are after them.
Is it any wonder you wanted to be a princess for Halloween??? I made your dress and you thought it was so beautiful! I felt honored that you loved it as much as you did. This winter I had to hide it because you wore it nearly every day for a month and it was getting too cold out. You did well Trick or Treating. We went with Seth and his parents and you loved the idea of getting candy but some displays of skeletons were a bit too scary. When we were done, you fell asleep on the way home just as you have every other year. Too much fun I guess.
You love your grandparents and to you right now there is only one set of them. We've tried to explain otherwise but you only see Nana and Papa once a year for a day or two. Grandma and Grandpa (you call him Papa) are in love with you as much as we are and oh how you love them. They sent you a picture of the 3 of you together and you keep it close to your bed. At night I can hear you say "Good night Grandma! Good night Papa!" and it is the cutest. You really thrive when we get to see them and miss them terribly. We would love to move closer to them and are working on it. In the meantime, you talk to them on the phone & when either side of grandparents send a present, Grandma & Papa get the credit. You say "Grandma presents" sometimes, which makes us all laugh, especially since Grandma really is all about giving you presents!
You have an awesome sense of humor that brings joy to our lives daily. I have to share this post I made in September 2012: Moments staying home with Grace are truly priceless. Take this morning: she smoothed playdough out on the table & I turned around to find her lifting her dress, turning & squatting onto the table so she could make butt prints in the playdoh. She caught me looking & laughed saying "I'm a silly goose!" I could only laugh, too, & decide she can't play with a copier until she's 30. :)
I have so much more to tell you but I'm afraid this post will be too long to publish! I will close this one and start a new one. There is so much I don't want us to forget!
Love you,
This week we've been stressing over preschool options for you this fall. Did I really just type preschool? Oh my goodness! You'll start kindergarten in just over a year and be gone forever! Of course, your daddy laughs at me when I say that but the thought of you starting school makes me cry in ways I never expected. It has been an absolute joy to stay home with you the past four years and get you all to myself. Sure I shared you with the world in small, one hour at a time ways but we have been full time buddies for four long years that suddenly seem like the shortest four years of my life. I selfishly want to keep this time with you going forever, keeping you at home with me until you are at least 30 but don't worry, I love you too much to be able to do anything that I don't think is best for you.
I am going to miss you. You starting schooling of any kind marks the beginning of me letting go. Sure, it'll start off a few hours a day but I'm no fool. I've seen firsthand how quickly four years of loving you goes by. Before I blink, four more will pass and you'll be eight, in school full time and headed off to slumber parties to be away from us overnight. Four more after that and you'll be 12, starting to think of dating and terrifying your poor father. Another four and you'll be 16 and dying to get away from us--from me. The thought of you ever not wanting to be right by my side breaks my heart and yet I know that's how it works.
I see it all coming. It's the way of children to grow up. My mind knows it and yet my heart breaks at the truth. Your poor mommy. I'm crying about you going to preschool and it doesn't happen for months yet! I really should be more thankful for this extra year with you. Last fall you were clearly not ready for preschool. While everyone else seemed to be starting at three, we knew you and knew it wasn't your time. Maybe that's the hard thing now....I see you changing so much. I know without a doubt you'll be ready this fall.
I don't want to forget a moment of the fun we've had together but I know you and I both will. Let me tell you about them now so we won't forget some of the great things about this time!
Your biggest area of growth this year was your language skills without a doubt. The past 3 months have been the most amazing. You are exploding every day with new language. I think back to that original post I made where I was crying, worried for your lack of progress and I am so grateful for the child who is now talking enough to drive me crazy and even starting to talk back a bit! Forgive us but when you talk back to us, your daddy and I will sneak a smile at each other because you finally can.
I've always started my mornings with you by saying "Good morning sunshine!" and get the biggest grin now when I hear you get up, your dog goes running in to greet you and you say to Riley, "Good morning sun-shine!" While we're on the topic of sleep, let me tell you--girl, you have changed! For three very long years I have endured your erratic sleep schedule. We tried everything to get you on track. The first two years you would go to bed at 1 a.m., sleep until 10, then the next night go to bed at 10 and sleep until 9, etc. I never knew when I would get sleep and we couldn't get you on a schedule to save our lives! You turned four and suddenly you go to bed between 7 and 8:30. You wake up between 6 and 7:07. Yes, you get up by 7:07 every day of the week now! It's such a change I think my body is still in shock.
Yesterday morning you came in to wake me. You shook me saying "Wake up mama!" I told you with a smile, "No....mommy tired. Let me sleep just a little bit longer." You reasoned "WAKE UP!! Sun up mommy." Yes, you refused to go to bed with the time change a week or two ago because the sun was still up just a little bit and now your argument on why I should get up is the sun is up. Suddenly the sun rules your world and you see it very black and white.
You have learned that words have power and intend to use that power whenever you can. Your favorite place to eat is pancakes at the train car diner here. The employees know that you chose to go there for your special birthday meal, often blow the whistle for you, and think you are the cutest thing ever! You tell me "I HUNgry. Go train. Pancakes. Mommy, tummy pancakes." If we haven't been there in the last week, I usually say yes. You are thrilled. When we took you there for your birthday, they sang happy birthday to you and your face was so full of joy we've decided to take you out for your birthday every year. You loved everyone in the whole place singing to you. Your other favorite place is ChuckECheese and we go about twice a month with Seth and his mommy. You seem to wish it was your second home!
Last night I was making a Greek chicken recipe and you looked into my pan and said "C'mon mommy. Let's go! Go car. Where McDonalds? McDonalds missing!" Evidently you thought chicken nuggets sounded better.
When you talk back you are too cute for words. I'll send you to your room and you'll say "No mommy. I SAID NO!" If I make you really angry because I make you go to your room after all, you'll say "Get out of here mommy. Mommy go to your room!" Um....okay but that's not really a punishment to mommy I think and smile to myself. When you are that upset and in trouble, you start talking to your dog saying over and over "I know Riley! I know!" as if she is the only one in the world who understands your pain. Aww..sweet girl. Mama knows your pain and how upset you are. You still cannot choose to throw spaghetti all over the kitchen.
Like any kid who has been really speech delayed, you have a mild problem with hitting instead of using your words. You get frustrated if another kid doesn't listen to you and then you hit them. It only happens every few months and last week was one of those times. You go to the daycare at the gym for an hour a day and were very tired that day. When I took you home, you were crying because I told you it was wrong and you started saying over and over again "I so sad mommy. I so sad!" I said "Well, good you are sad because you are probably sorry, too." You immediately adjusted to say "I so sorry mommy!" There's never much need to punish you because in general you feel so badly when you do wrong--how could I punish you worse than you punish yourself?
You pick up new language fast now, including things I don't want repeated. About two weeks ago, I got so frustrated with Riley. She seemed to be barking out the window all day nonstop. I finally yelled in exasperation "RILEY SHUT UP!" You copied without hesitation. Now whenever you are frustrated with your dog I hear your little voice yell "RILEYSHUTUP!" as if it was one long powerful word. Oh my. I keep prompting you to say "Riley please be quiet" but so far you aren't adopting the new phrase as quickly as you did the first. Your absolute cutest phrase, without a doubt is "OH MY GOODNESS MOMMY!" or "OH MY GOODNESS DADDY!" or "OH MY GOODNESS RILEY!" If something is very funny to you, you'll say each one in succession until we say back "Oh my goodness, Gracie!"
You've become a mini me. You woke up late last week and came out to find me working on a pattern design. You grabbed paper and crayons and scissors and got to work, holding your designs up to fabric, etc. So cute! It's not just me you copy. Your daddy is studying for his big engineering license test and you'll say "I need book. Be right back." You run to the office and grab one of your books, come back and get paper and pen and start looking at your book, then writing on paper as if the Berenstain Bears have all the equations you need. Love it!
Oh! You aren't intollerant of blueberries or strawberries anymore! Hooray! As you say "Mmmm...blueberries delicious!" It's opened up a whole new world of fruit salad, blueberry muffins (you devour them 3 at a time), blueberry pancakes, etc. You decided you loved pineapple as well. We had you tested at 3 and found you weren't allergic but intollerant of carrots, grapes/raisins, all berries, and bananas. It has made feeding you a variety of foods a challenge. It didn't help that for nearly the past year you've been such a picky eater. You liked chicken nuggets, spaghetti, pancakes, apples, cream of mushroom soup, miso soup, peanut butter & jelly and cereal. That was about it. We ended up starting you on pediasure every day to help supplement your poor diet. I couldn't believe with all the amazing meals I love to cook, my child was anti-variety when it came to food. Thankfully you are starting to branch out finally! Hooray for progress!
You have always helped in the kitchen but lately you are becoming quite the sous chef. You have learned to smell herbs before using them and are trying hard to learn their names. You've fallen in love with Ratatouille the movie and a Strawberry Shortcake dvd where she and her friends host a cooking show. Now when you see me cooking, you'll grab your cook book and advise me. It's always "1 sugar, 1 flour, 1 anilla (vanilla), and 1 egg. Now stir mommy." You'll set up your play mixer and food on chairs in the dining room and host a cooking show, which I am forever thankful to have caught a bit of on camera. You aren't always big on performing. When you see the camera, sometimes you seem to get embarrassed and stop.
Speaking of performing, you are loving to sing. The Madagascar 3 movie has the Katy Perry song Firework. You love it! You also love the song Polkadot circus from there, the theme song to Fraggle Rock and the song Number 9 (also featured on Fraggle Rock). In the car, you'll have me sing along sometimes as you belt a number out, usually the Firework song. Your daddy put the Madagascar 3 soundtrack on your Innotab and some nights instead of going to bed we've found you acting out the whole movie, even the instrumental songs. It is so unbelievably adorable. You hate getting caught so we try and sneak a quick peek when we can. When you sing, I'm only allowed to sing along sometimes. I never know until I try. Sometimes you get even happier and belt it out louder and other times you tell me "No mommy. STOP." Gee...thanks. Here is a picture I caught of you when you were supposed to be in bed. Instead you were singing and wearing this getup:
In general, you are the sweetest little girl. You picked me a bunch of dead flowers outside for Valentine's day. You even dug in my hutch for my nicest vase to put them in. You said "For you, for me. Flowers for you. Happy Valentine Day!"
I need to tell you about the sleep mask. Miss Jenn gave you a sleep mask from their airplane trip to New Zealand this past month and you actually use it! You'll be in bed sometimes and yell out "Oh no! Where mask? Mask missing!" It makes you happy and gets you to lay down and go to sleep so of course I help you find it. You wearing it from time to time is the funniest thing ever though!
By the way, you are in love with princesses and princes. You will stalk me around the house for months now wanting to play either with your little people princes and princesses or your Barbie style ones. I am always the prince. Always. Any attempt to play with a princess and you stare like you can't even compute my choice for a few moments then say "Uh uh, mommy. HERE." and shove the prince in my face relentlessly until I give in. There are always 2 scenarios. 1) The princesses just take turns kissing the prince (your daddy isn't fond of that story line!) and 2) Someone needs rescued because they are about to fall off the couch (a cliff) or because a scary monster (usually a crocodile) are after them.
Is it any wonder you wanted to be a princess for Halloween??? I made your dress and you thought it was so beautiful! I felt honored that you loved it as much as you did. This winter I had to hide it because you wore it nearly every day for a month and it was getting too cold out. You did well Trick or Treating. We went with Seth and his parents and you loved the idea of getting candy but some displays of skeletons were a bit too scary. When we were done, you fell asleep on the way home just as you have every other year. Too much fun I guess.
You love your grandparents and to you right now there is only one set of them. We've tried to explain otherwise but you only see Nana and Papa once a year for a day or two. Grandma and Grandpa (you call him Papa) are in love with you as much as we are and oh how you love them. They sent you a picture of the 3 of you together and you keep it close to your bed. At night I can hear you say "Good night Grandma! Good night Papa!" and it is the cutest. You really thrive when we get to see them and miss them terribly. We would love to move closer to them and are working on it. In the meantime, you talk to them on the phone & when either side of grandparents send a present, Grandma & Papa get the credit. You say "Grandma presents" sometimes, which makes us all laugh, especially since Grandma really is all about giving you presents!
You have an awesome sense of humor that brings joy to our lives daily. I have to share this post I made in September 2012: Moments staying home with Grace are truly priceless. Take this morning: she smoothed playdough out on the table & I turned around to find her lifting her dress, turning & squatting onto the table so she could make butt prints in the playdoh. She caught me looking & laughed saying "I'm a silly goose!" I could only laugh, too, & decide she can't play with a copier until she's 30. :)
I have so much more to tell you but I'm afraid this post will be too long to publish! I will close this one and start a new one. There is so much I don't want us to forget!
Love you,
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