
This past weekend we did our first fast trip to Ohio meaning we left Friday night after your daddy got off of work & came back right after lunch on Sunday. You did better on the drive to Ohio than your dad did (when we got stuck in downtown Chicago he wasn't happy) and you were great on the way back, too. Thank you for that from the bottom of our hearts!
We were in town for a baby shower. As always, we try to dress you cute for these things so that if your behavior leaves anything to be desired, people can at least focus on how cute you were! It was fun because your Aunt Emily, Aunt Amber & Grandma came with us and any time all of us ladies can get together it's a great day.
You behaved well overall, starting out shy. Then the momma to be started opening presents & you know what? There were TOYS in those presents. Language disorder or no language disorder, you knew you shouldn't go up and take them. So instead you tried to sneak closer.
And closer.
Yeah, we were on to you!
You had two favorite moments at that shower. The cake and the other kids. Toward the end of the shower, you'd warmed up to them & ran in circles around a table. It appeared you thought someone was chasing you & you laughed and laughed as you ran around the table. It wore you out!
The rest of your weekend was pretty low key. Mommy had a lot of running around to you but you took time to lay on your "daddy chair." At least that's what he calls it when you lounge around on him.
You loved grandpa's slate chalkboard, too.
You had fun with grandma. By the way, your grandma has a lot of sass in her (as you've probably noticed). Your daddy smiled after we left and said he was so glad your grandma has her attitude and is such a close part of your life. He said your grandma Lee was a lot like your grandma. We both wish you could have known her too, baby girl. Your daddy finds comfort knowing you get to know this grandma. She's full of personality, so was your grandma Lee, so is your momma and so are you! It's a long line of strong women with a quick wit and fun sense of humor.
There's another woman in this line of strong women from whom you should admire Grace: your great great aunt Sue. We are so grateful that she's in our lives and that you're getting to know her, too, Grace. She always makes your daddy laugh and this time when she saw you, she said you look more like your daddy every day. He always hears how much you look like me and I saw him smile just a little brighter at the comparison to him!
You're one of us Grace & we'll always be a part of you.
We ate lunch on Sunday at the Chinese restaurant your daddy loves there in Bryan. You attacked your rice with such gusto that one of the cooks came out from the back & laughed when he saw how much you loved it.
After lunch, it was time to go & you gave each of your grandparents a kiss. Oh, you are such a sweet, sweet girl.
We asked you if you were ready to go bye bye & you yelled out NO! You cried when we left but don't worry. We're seeing them again in just two weeks.